11 April 2013


Happy Thursday!

The past couple weeks have been full of a lot of internal reflection. A week or so two of my friends and their three girls boarded a plane and moved to Uganda, Africa to bring home to their daughter, Chloe

Insane but remarkable. 

Their first stop was in London and I couldn't help but think about my own inevitable move in 5 months to Kingston. Then my brain began going through how they must be feeling and how determined in their hearts they would have to be just to get on the plane. Never mind the fact that they paid for everything and this has been in the works for months. It must have taken everything within them to board that plane, leaving what was comfortable and known behind and embarking on a new path in Africa. 

I, then, began mirroring it to my own journey. I will be doing almost the same thing. I am leaving what is familiar for the unfamiliar in the pursuit of something greater. They'll be travelling farther than I and they have a child waiting their arrival in Uganda but at least they have each other which makes it easier. 

I will be boarding that plane alone and that terrifies me. 

I mean, I've boarded planes by myself before. I even travelled to the UK alone. But there's something about knowing that you will be boarding a plane by yourself to move to a place where no one knows you. Sure it's a clean slate where I can literally be whomever I want to be and recreate myself but I won't have the familiarity of friends nor the comforts of knowing that people who love me are in the UK. 

With that being said, I am still determined. I knew this move was going to be emotional and it's going to get worse before it gets better but it's worth it. At the end of it, I'll be able to look back and see how far I've come, enjoy what is going on in the present and look forward towards a bright future. In the meantime, I am going to cleave to the friendships and loved ones I have here and enjoy every moment. 

I'm opening the platform now! If you are already planning for uni in the fall, what type of hurdles are you currently trying to hop over? Just pop a comment down below. 

Also, don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on what's going on with me! 


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