26 March 2013

Being Ridiculous

Happy Tuesday!

GAH! Lately I've been feeling so guilty not updating because...well, there's nothing to really update! I've literally spent most of my time waiting for the university to send me information that I can start using towards getting all my ducks in a row. I've been told that will happen in May. It is March.


They did, however, open the application for the international scholarship. I immediately jumped on it only to realise that they need a letter of recommendation from a previous educator. Since I was homeschooled, this might prove to be quite difficult. I did, however, do that one semester of classes at Wake Tech but there was only one class I took on campus and I didn't really drum up a relationship with the teacher. I know what you're saying, "Steven, stop being dumb and ask" but I can't seem to send this email! It's so awkward! It's in part because I don't like asking people for anything. Not out of pride but out of not wanting to inconvenience anyone. I am notorious for getting myself into situations simply because I was too afraid to ask someone for help! It's really bad and it's something I'm working on. 

Speaking of working, I'm currently moving things around so I can properly start focusing more on my fashion blog. Creating content is something I've been having trouble with mostly because I don't really know my readership! I don't receive feedback, therefore I don't know what to write about. It's a problem that I'm hoping will be sorted out fairly soon. 

Well that's it from me. Sorry for the hiatus! I know most of you are still replying to offers and making plans for university and I am wishing you all the absolute best! :)

Steven - @ssharpeminor

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