25 January 2013


Happy Friday? 

I hate the 'P' word. 


I have a friend named Patience and I do not hate her. I love her to the moon and back but I'm talking about the virtue, patience. 

Since coming back from Europe on Monday, I have been seriously struggling with not only readjusting to American culture but with having patience with what is to come. 
Whilst I was on the plane flying back across the pond to the states, I had resolved in my mind that Operation: Kingston was about to be in full swing. Applying to loans, scholarships, sponsorships; the works. Then when I tried to actually do things, it turned out that I had to wait. 

In fact, everything that I need to do can't be done until March or April. 


I am the type of person that wants to be ahead of the game. I want to be the one who already has answered the question before it is asked and have things done before someone even thinks of doing it. I like being efficient and damn practically precognitive. For me, being timely means being down to the wire. I'm the person who is always ridiculously early to an important event. It's just who I am and completely in my nature. However, with Kingston, I can't be that way. 

This brings me back to patience. It is indeed a virtue but it is not one that I possess in abundance. I have to, now, come to a point where I have to be patient with the things I want to get finished with and look at the little things before the big things like paying for tuition or paying for my accommodations. I have to look at things like saving money, spending quality time with my family and friends, writing, making the most of my time here in the states so when it comes time to get the big things sorted through, I don't have to feel overly pressed by other things that I would have otherwise overlooked. 

My advice to you is to have a bit of patience. Whether you are waiting for your offer or you already have your offer in hand. Have patience and pay attention to the little things. I have 8 or 9 months left in the states before I move to England, that seems like a long time but it's scary how quickly it will pass and I don't want to be at the beginning of August wondering what I did with all of my time. 

That's it from me today! I hope you aren't stressing during this time of transition! The first date for UCAS application deadlines has passed so there are LOADS of you guys who are waiting on pins and needles for an offer. Don't worry! Universities will see your effort and take that into consideration. You can do this! :)


P.S. If you haven't voted for me for blogger of the month you totally shoulddddd! The link is in the right sidebar at the top! You should also follow me on twitter! @ssharpeminor
And lastly, if you want to read about my trip to Europe, I have written part one of it on my personal blog HERE! Bye!! :) 

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